Waste Sorting Solutions

We offer the engineering of recycling and waste sorting plants with a wide range of equipment at the forefront of technology.


Classification of municipal solid waste


Municipal solid waste enters the feed system by bucket or front loader, and then through the process of pre-shredding and opening bags, using different screening equipment, such as tromel screens, ballistic screens, star screens and vibratory waste screens, to separate the waste into streams of different sizes. , and then use a magnetic separation system, eddy-current separation system, air separation system, optical sorting system, and AI robot sorting system to obtain plastics, paper, metals and other recyclable materials. 

Organic waste is sorted and can be used for anaerobic digestion and biogas energy generation, and the waste can be used for composting. Once the inert waste is sorted, it can be converted into aggregates from concrete, cement and building materials.

Other non-recyclable high-calorie waste often includes a small amount of mixed plastic film, a small amount of lightweight paper, composite fabrics, etc. After shredding, the size of these mixed wastes is less than 50mm, which can be made RDF and SFR for incineration and power generation.


Automation of entire process

Optical Sorting Solutions

The sensor-based sorting machine can identify plastic, paper, glass and other recyclable materials in MSW by using a special optical system or high-resolution camera; The sorting equipment uses reflected or transmitted visible light (VIS), near-infrared (NIR) light source and artificial intelligence, and can perform sorting of different materials based on the different materials and colors of the garbage.

AI Robot Sorting Solutions

First, the visual recognition system uses a camera to scan and identify incoming materials on the conveyor belt. The recognized data can then be collected to accumulate a "brain in the cloud" for the robot's brain. In the initial stage, the robot is trained to make its brain recognize these incoming materials and gradually possess autonomic judgment capabilities similar to those of humans. Finally, transmit the "information" to the robot so that it quickly identifies recyclable materials and impurities in the mixed garbage, grabs them accurately and places them in the corresponding containers to complete the classification. The sorting robot is based on artificial intelligence technology, with deep learning, artificial intelligence algorithms, big data analysis, robot control, cloud brain, multi-sensor fusion and other high-tech equipment.

Manual Sorting Solutions

In the line of sorting, recycling and processing garbage, it is sometimes necessary to manually classify the objects of interference and specific types of garbage. The sorting room is an important part of the manual sorting station. Sorting workers perform garbage sorting operations in the spacious and bright sorting room. The sorting room is equipped with good ventilation and air conditioning devices to ensure sorting. The staff operates in a good working environment.